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american national cattlewomen foundation

The American National CattleWomen Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 Foundation, organized and founded by ANCW members to generate funds for charitable, scientific, or educational purposes.

Most of the funds donated have been invested with the dividends and interest going for scholarships and educational programs. Grants have been administered as directed. Based upon performance, since 1992, more than $50,000 in scholarships have been applied to college tuition for the winning Beef Ambassadors. Educational and leadership programs at ANCW conventions also qualify for support from the Foundation.

Please donate today and support our efforts for a strong future.

Donate or Contact the Foundation at:

ANCW Foundation

315 Bucktail Road

Sutherland, Nebraska 69165

Phone: 308-764-9946


Click Here to Donate Online 

ANCW Convention Internship

American National CattleWomen Foundation is offering one $500 scholarship to a collegiate member to attend our meetings prior to the Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show in San Antonio, TX. Recipient will act as an intern during ANCW meetings.

Deadline to apply: December 1st.

ANCW Foundation Collegiate Intern Scholarship.pdf


Legacy Scholarship

The ANCW foundation is offering two $1,000 Legacy scholarships to collegiate members who are daughters, granddaughters or nieces of current members and are majoring in an Ag-related field. 

Deadline to apply: May 1st

ANCW Foundation Legacy Scholarship.pdf

Beef Ambassador Scholarship

American National CattleWomen Foundation is offering a $750 scholarship to one deserving junior ANCW member who has served as Beef Ambassador within their state. 

Deadline to apply: December 1st

ANCW Foundation Scholarship Application.pdf

Give in memory of a loved one or your preferred allocation:

Fill out our memorial/allocation form (MS Word)

    Foundation Leadership


    Lana Slaten - Alabama

    Vice President

    Fita Witte - New Mexico


    Jeannie Kiehn - Washington


    Kristy Lage - Nebraska


    Diane Travis - Texas

    Reba Mazak - Florida

    Wanda Pinnow - Montana

    Debbie Chute, ANCW Liaison - Minnesota

    Mary Jo Rideout, Executive Vice President



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